When selecting our cattle, we focused on bovine characteristics that suited our needs. Not every cattleman has aligned goals. For us, a moderate frame, fleshing ability, birthing ease, illness resistance and heat tolerance were our main focus. Our cattle is the perfect combination derived between Mashona and Red Angus. We were able to achieve the above requirements as well as proving a desirable end product with excellent marbling to fully satisfy our clients.
Our sheep are our pride and joy. Even though we take pride in everything we do, our sheep really make us stand out! We carefully selected our Dorper herd sparing no expense. Our clear goals included excellent maternal behavior, illness resistance and docile nature coupled with excellent end product quality. From the consumer side, there is an increasing concern about the sustainability of the intensification of animal industries and its potential damages on the environment, human health, and animal welfare and we feel that we are succeeding were others have failed.
The goats at Rancho El Capricho are derived from three main breeds: Boer, Spanish and Nubian. Our Spanish goats are mainly for traditional and regional consumption known as “Cabrito”. Our Nubian herd is mainly for tasty milk and cheese production. And our Boer have fulfilled our “show” line. I must admit that my favorite has been a combination of Boer male with Nubian female although not all breeders will agree.
We are not currently selling poultry but are definitely proving our valued family and friends with the freshest eggs from different breeds of chickens that are housed in a clean environment and are able to range freely. Our careful management has allowed us to avoid the use of any type of hormones or antibiotics.